
奥巴马新歌发布 首周突破30万播放登上热门榜单

  美国前总统奥巴马近日在歌唱领域“崭露头角”,他的名字登上了美国知名音乐排行榜公告牌(Billboard)的热门R&B歌曲榜单。这首歌是美国作曲家将奥巴马的告别演说混入歌曲创作,取名“One Last Time(44 Remix) ”歌曲发布首周,在美国取得了30. 7万次播放和9000次出售下载的成绩。

One Last Time-Lin Manuel Miranda;Christopher Jackson;Original Broadway Cast of Hamilton Former U.S. president Barack Obama has made a hit song "One Last Time (44 Remix)" with Christopher Jackson and BeBe Winans. The song hit the Billboard’s Hot R&B Songs chart at No.22 with 307,000 on-demand U.S. streams and 9,000 downloads sold in the week from Dec. 22 to Dec. 27, according to Nielsen Music. It is a remix of a song from the classic Broadway musical Hamilton, and is intended to raise money for multiple nonprofits!

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